In the rapidly changing business world, organizations face critical choices to evolve or risk becoming obsolete. Businesses must learn to thrive in chaos and adapt to new opportunities and challenges. Transforming a business or organization to advance growth or gain...
In the 1991 movie The Pistol: The Birth of a Legend, during a team basketball practice session the coach brings the team to a huddle and draws a small circle on the basketball and explains, “You see this circle, the size of this circle represents everything that I...
Integrating data across M&A companies is complicated Flexibility can lead to rigidity Challenges in Excel can include: MSFT Power Apps Rigidity can drive flexibility Integrating data across M&A companies is complicated The agreement to merge companies...
Introduction to Security Compliance PMO Although IT projects generally affect a portion of an organization using a new service or tools, security projects affect everyone, including partners. The shift in the C-Suite to include a Chief Information Security Officer...
Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) global deal volume has been on fire in recent years, with high volumes of transactions and record-setting valuations. Academic studies show 50-80% of deals never achieve the intended value for the acquirer. While no amount of...